Wednesday, February 24, 2010

If I was a millionaire

If I was a millionaire, then my life would take a dramatic turn from what it is now. I will adopt the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

The first thing I will do, if were a millionaire, is to help my parents. My parents are poor and live in rent shop. It will be a dream come true if I could buy a big house and a shop, so that my parent no need live at shop, and they no need to pay a heavy rent. They also be able to live a life of luxury, as I will hired servants to help my mother with her household deities and I will hired 3 Tailor to help my dad with him business. After that I will ask my dad to stop working, as he is old and needs to rest. I would not want him to die in harness.

Money is useful and can be a friend. My life will be change too. I will be afford to buy many pretty clothes and would even be able to afford some designer label like Gucci or Channel. Further more, I will no longer will using Public Transport, as I will be driving a import car, and I will not socialize with some of many friends at the the “ABC”stall,I will have dine at the best club or the 5 star restoran and to mix with only special people. I also can buy a toy dog to accompany me.
With more money, I will spend time to bring my parent go traveling. I would finally be alble to fulfill a long cherished dream of helping the poor. I would be able to do charitable organization, like Haiti and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Being a millionaire definitely mean having more fun. It also can solve many daily problems. Money is not a panacea, But no money is a must not. Money can buy anything but it cant buy affection friendship love.



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