Wednesday, February 24, 2010

If I was a millionaire

If I was a millionaire, then my life would take a dramatic turn from what it is now. I will adopt the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

The first thing I will do, if were a millionaire, is to help my parents. My parents are poor and live in rent shop. It will be a dream come true if I could buy a big house and a shop, so that my parent no need live at shop, and they no need to pay a heavy rent. They also be able to live a life of luxury, as I will hired servants to help my mother with her household deities and I will hired 3 Tailor to help my dad with him business. After that I will ask my dad to stop working, as he is old and needs to rest. I would not want him to die in harness.

Money is useful and can be a friend. My life will be change too. I will be afford to buy many pretty clothes and would even be able to afford some designer label like Gucci or Channel. Further more, I will no longer will using Public Transport, as I will be driving a import car, and I will not socialize with some of many friends at the the “ABC”stall,I will have dine at the best club or the 5 star restoran and to mix with only special people. I also can buy a toy dog to accompany me.
With more money, I will spend time to bring my parent go traveling. I would finally be alble to fulfill a long cherished dream of helping the poor. I would be able to do charitable organization, like Haiti and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Being a millionaire definitely mean having more fun. It also can solve many daily problems. Money is not a panacea, But no money is a must not. Money can buy anything but it cant buy affection friendship love.


Thursday, February 4, 2010


So boring..because cant not access internet...

Don’t know why today can find wifi college...

Haiz...many assignment need to do la...

The most difficult assignment is Assignment English For Comuncation...

Need to write a story...within 20 Transition...and 1 transition word can repeat use..but also count 1 transition niah...and need >350word...

Friday, January 29, 2010

last thursday (28Jan10)

is faez birthdays...
after class...
Faez,deepa & i go secret resipi buy cake...
after buy the cake...
we go KFC to celebrate his birhtdays....
coz i love to eat KFC...
and i know KFC have new set lunch^^yummy...
this is faez 22th birthdays..
hope all he wishes will come true...



Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Meaning of Sms...

1. When you receive "What are you doing?". But actually he/she is trying to say "I miss you!"

2. When you receive "hehe". Majority means he/she is not smiling or giggle.

3. But if you receive "haha" or "hehe", sure one is laughing when he/she text you.

4. When he say "silly" or "stupid". Actually he/she is caring and worrying about you, hope you can take care of yourself.

5. If sentence end with question mark, actually he/she wish to chat more with you. AGREE

6. If he answer "oh". Majority means he is just perfunctory entertaining you.

7. But if he/she answer "I know le", "get it", "yes sir" and so on, which mean he/she care with it.

8. Sometime when he/she asking you to busy your work don't bother him/her, actually he/she do not mean it and he/she still wish to chat with you.

9. Telling you all the silly things, shameful things that he/she did, actually he/she hope you to comfort him/her, or even scold him/her. ^^

10. Text you actively, means you are important to him/her, normally people won't talk much to people that they don't care.

11. If he/she give you a nickname, means he/she hope you remember him. =p

12. "I just reach", "I reach home le" shows that once he/she reach home, the first in his/her mind is you.

13. "Tell me when you reach home", "Have you reach home?" means he/she want you to be safe, don't want you get hurt.

14. There will never be an action called accidentally sent, maybe he/she wish to send something to you but dont know what to say. Although that is silly.

15. If he/she didn't text you for sometime, it doesn't means his /her draft box is empty.

16. If possible, he/she don't shut down the phone at night all because of you.